- A shape in a drape - A well-dressed person. “Usually she just wears jeans, but she sure is a shape in a drape in that dress.”
- Bright disease - To know too much. “He has bright disease. Make sure he doesn’t rat us out.”
- Dixie fried - Drunk. “It’s Friday and the eagle flies tonight. Let’s go get dixie fried.”
- Focus your audio - Listen carefully. “Shut your trap and focus your audio. This is important.”
- Interviewing your brains - Thinking. “I can see you’re interviewing your brains, so I’ll leave you alone.”
- Pearl diver - A person who washes dishes. “I’m just a pearl diver at a greasy spoon, but it’s a job.”
- Quail hunting - Picking up chicks. “I’m going quail hunting and you’re my wingman.”
- Red onion - A hole in the wall; a really crappy bar. “I thought we were going somewhere nice but he just took me to the red onion on the corner.”
- Slated for crashville - Out of control. “That girl’s been in college for five minutes and is already slated for crashville.”
- Threw babies out of the balcony - A big success; interchangeable with “went down a storm.” “I was afraid the party would suck, but it threw babies out of the balcony.”
- X-ray eyes - To understand something, to see through confusion. “That guy is so smart. He’s got x-ray eyes.”
- Zonk on the head - A bad thing. “It stormed all night and we lost power, but the real zonk on the head was when hail broke the bedroom window.”
More: 26 Beatnik slang words and phrases we should all start using: