Oh, toads on fire, this is so funny:
A group of tourists spent hours Saturday night looking for a missing woman near Iceland’s Eldgja canyon, only to find her among the search party.At 3 a.m., with fifty people combing the region, the woman finally had a “Hold on…” moment, and realized it was her that they – and she – had been looking for.
The group was travelling through Iceland on a tour bus and stopped near the volcanic canyon in the southern highlands Saturday afternoon, reports the Icelandic news organization mbl.is.
One of the women on the bus left to change her clothes and freshen up. When she came back, her busmates didn’t recognize her.
Soon, there was word of a missing passenger. The woman didn’t recognize the description of herself, and joined in the search.
We all know EXACTLY what went through her mind right then: “Scotty…one to beam up. Scotty?”